Friday, April 07, 2006

Compatibility Test

Mine and Jason's compatibility:
Big Five Compatibility Test
Emotional Stability42%
scale key - you them
Your overall similarity is 75%.
Your overall complementarity is 69%.
Take Free Big Five Compatibility Test


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I ran across your blog by accident but find it interesting. I am an African-American man that has been in a relationship with Asian women for more than 20 years. I am 46 now and I am married to a wonderful woman of Filipino descent. In my 20s I had a "fling" with a young chinese woman but broke it off because I didn't think she was serious enough about the relationship. I later met a Japanese co-worker when she approached me after a meeting I facilitated. We dated for a while and eventually went in seperate directions...nothing bad, but I was interested in pursing other career endeavors that moved me to another city. I then met a Filipina in the Philippines during a business trip and eventually, I brought her to the U.S. as a fiance and we married. The cultural differences (American/Filipno)made it difficult for me to adjust to her and during another trip to the Philippines, I met my wonderful wife, Mick. She is everything to me. We have two beautiful children, a daughter 16 and a son 10. My daughter is destined to the fashion world and my son is well on the path to becoming an MIT almnus (he is the top math student in his school and classified as a gifted learner). The compatibility test for Mick and I has been our feelings...if we like each other and we make it, we're compatible. My wife is totally opposite of me, I am an outgoing, strong personality and the spot light is on me most of the time. I am a manager at my job and she is mostly a housewife (but she graduated from college with a computer science degree). Her calm demeanor, uncoventional wisdom, unassuming strength, and respect for my leadership has been the key to the longevity we enjoy. I don't think we have ever had a discussion about our racial differences. In fact, it was love at first sight for both of us. When I saw her for the first time, I knew she would be my wife someday. It took me almost two years but I remained patient until we were able to finally be together. I married her in the small town she is from and when she and I first visited her small town...almost everyone turned out to meet the American she decided to marry. The only comment I heard was, "very big American" from some of the children...but I guess it's all relative, because I am only 5'10" and 225lbs...very normal stature. We visit her country periodically and we have traveled all over Asia with our children. In Bejing, many people asked us questions about our children and their beauty...but most of the countries we visited, everyone treated us like most Americans are treated in Asian countries...with respect and dignity. Personally, I don't know why it is such a big deal to make an issue out of blacks and Asians to be interracially mixed, but then again, I'm not trying to preserve fair-skin by only mixing with fair-skinned others, which seems to be a dominating belief amongst many Asians. I just know that my Asian wife has been a blessing and her velvet hammer approach is exactly what my domineering stature needs to keep our relationship at an even keel. Our children never hear us say negative things about other races or cultures. My daughter seems to struggle with a fit sometimes at her high school. She has about three different group she falls in with but she seems to favor the multi-ethinic son, is not at the age in which he cares yet. Aside from the kids having to decide where they best fit, I know my place is with her and most of the circles we are in doesn't seem to mind our racial differences. When you are in love--true love, it won't matter about race, age, differences, etc. those things are to be be respected but not as limiting factors. They can destroy a relationship only if you allow them.

2:50 pm  
Blogger daffydevil said...

Hey thanks for the great comment... your story has made my day :)
I think it's great that you have only experienced positive reactions - that's how it should be.
I'm starting to realise that black-asian relationships are not that big a deal in the US. I guess I created this website because I felt our relationship is quite odd in Australia and I thought I had no support.
I totally agree that race doesn't matter, but the fact is that generalisations and prejudice still exist, especially about minorities.

10:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said... and your beau are always welcome to come to America, the melting pot of the world!!! Even though there are many places in te United States that are similar to Australia...but this country is so large and opportunities so abundant that you can also go to a place that fits for you...I've learned to forget the generalizations and the prejudices. I see myself as a human first before accepting the cultural labels imposed by society. Makes it a lot easier for me and my family. Once you accept the labels, acceptance of the labels generally follows.

12:09 am  
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1:34 pm  
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1:52 pm  

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